Feature Film Program

Queens Drive-In: Landfall

$35; one ticket admits one car

Fri Aug 28 7:30 PM

The Film


Cecilia Aldarondo | US | 91 min.

Through shard-like glimpses of everyday life in post-Hurricane María Puerto Rico, Landfall is a cautionary tale for our times. Set against the backdrop of protests that toppled the US colony’s governor in 2019, the film offers a prismatic portrait of collective trauma and resistance. While the devastation of María attracted a great deal of media coverage, the world has paid far less attention to the storm that preceded it: a 72-billion-dollar debt crisis crippling Puerto Rico well before the winds and waters hit. Landfall examines the kinship of these two storms—one environmental, the other economic—juxtaposing competing utopian visions of recovery. Featuring intimate encounters with Puerto Ricans as well as the newcomers flooding the island, Landfall reflects on a question of contemporary global relevance: when the world falls apart, who do we become?

Mediante destellos del diario vivir en un Puerto Rico post-Huracán María, Landfall es una historia de precaución hacia nuestros días. Enmarcada en las protestas que derrocaron al gobernador de esta colonia de EEUU en 2019, la película ofrece un retrato polifacético de trauma y resistencia colectiva. Mientras que la devastación del Huracán María atrajo una gran atención mediática, el mundo puso menor atención a la tormenta que prosiguió: una deuda de 72 billones de dólares que discapacitó Puerto Rico mucho antes que los vientos y el agua lo azotaran. Landfall examina el parentesco de estas dos tormentas: una medioambiental, otra económica, yuxtaponiendo visiones utópicas y enfrentadas de recuperación. Presentando encuentros íntimos con puertorriqueños y con recién llegados a la isla, Landfall reflexiona en una cuestion de relevancia global contemporánea: cuando el mundo se desploma, ¿en quién nos convertimos?

Event Details

7:30 PM
Doors Open & Pre-Show Begins
8:30 PM
Films Begin
10:00 PM
Q&A with director Cecilia Aldarondo
All Queens Drive-In attendees will need to enter via the 111th Street/49th Avenue entrance to the New York Hall of Science. There will be no access from the Grand Central Parkway. Please take the Long Island Expressway to the 108th Street exit, and take local streets to the entrance for all vehicles on 49th Avenue and 111th Street. Signs and staff members will direct you to the Drive-In upon arrival.

For complete Drive-In FAQs, head here.

PLEASE NOTE: This film is not yet rated and may not be considered appropriate for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.


Queens Drive-In at The New York Hall of Science

47-01 111th St, Corona, NY 11368

venue on Google Map

The show presented in partnership with