Feature Film Program

Central Park Conservancy Film Festival: Free Solo

Fri Oct 8 5:30 PM

The Film

Free Solo

Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi & Jimmy Chin | US | 100

A stunning, intimate, and unflinching portrait of the free soloist climber Alex Honnold as he prepares to achieve his lifelong dream: climbing the face of the world’s most famous rock—the 3,000-foot El Capitan in Yosemite National Park—without a rope. Celebrated as one of the greatest athletic feats of any kind, Honnold’s climb set the ultimate standard: perfection or death. Succeeding in this challenge, Honnold enters his story in the annals of human achievement. Free Solo is both an edge-of-your seat thriller and an inspiring portrait of an athlete who exceeded our current understanding of human physical and mental potential. Rated: PG

Event Details

5:30 PM
Gates Open and Pre-Show Begins including DJ and Trivia with WABC Anchors
7:00 PM
Film Begins
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination required for entry. Guests will be asked to present registration confirmation in order to enter the Central Park Conservancy Film Festival.


Central Park

Landscape between Sheep Meadow and the 72nd Street Cross Drive

venue on Google Map

The show presented in partnership with