Rooftop Films Blog

Andrew Semans’ “Nancy, Please” on Kickstarter

Rooftop recently awarded our Eastern Effects Equipment Grant to Andrew Semans’ feature film Nancy, Please. The film is Andew’s debut feature, following on his naturalistic nihilistic love short I’d Rather Be Dead Than Live In This World and his foreboding summer day daze All Day Long. Andrew has a gift for illuminating the dark psychological corners of relationships, and Nancy, Please should be a revelation. The film is a dark comedy about a man who’s life crumbles when he can’t get a copy of Dickens back from his ex-roommate, and it’s shooting in just a few weeks.

Rooftop and Eastern Effects are thrilled to be supporting the movie, and you can help, too! Despite our grant, there are still a few holes in their streamlined budget. Kick in a few bucks on Kickstarter, and be a part of this daring film, sure to become a dark indie darling.

The video has a slowly building twist. It’s worth watching the whole thing…

Read about more Rooftop alums on Kickstarter here.

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