Rooftop Films Blog

Ep 442: Patrick Brice • Leah Meyerhoff, Shruti Rya Ganguly & Myna Joseph • Tiffany & Jayce Bartok


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[7 mins. 24 secs.] First segment, returning to the podcast filmmaker Patrick Brice (The Overnight, Creep) discusses Season 2 of the HBO series Room 104 & his follow up to Creep, Creep 2, which is currently on iTunes and other VOD platforms. The film once again stars Mark Duplass as the serial lovers everyone loves to… everyone loves! And co-stars Filmwax Radio friend Desiree Akhavan.

[22 mins.] Then I’m joined by filmmakers Leah Meyerhoff (I Believe in Unicorns), the founder of Film Fatales, plus Shruti Rya Ganguly and Myna Joseph, for a thoughtful conversation on gender parity in the work place, and all that is currently taking place in the film industry at the moment. First in a series.

[1 hr. 1 min. 55 secs.] Lastly, I welcome Tiffany Bartok, the director of a wonderful new documentary, Larger Than Life: The Kevyn Aucoin Story, which will be having its New York City premiere at DOC NYC next Thursday, November 16th at the SVA Theater. The 7:15 screening has sold out but there are still some tickets available for the 9:45 screening as this episode drops. Tiffany is joined by her husband,  Jayce Bartok (Fall to Rise), who produced the film and who is returning to the podcast for his second visit. Moving to New York City from small town Louisiana in the early 1980s, Kevyn Aucoin found acceptance as a gay man and success in the fashion world. Developing an often overlooked profession into an influential art form, Aucoin became the go-to makeup artist for — and fast friends with — supermodels and celebrities until his tragic death at the age of 40. Director Tiffany Bartok offers an intimate look at a legendary figure who made people beautiful.

Filmwax Radio is presented by Rooftop Films. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. The podcast is also available on iTunes, Stitcher & Youtube.

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