Rooftop Films Blog

SHORT CUTS: Winter Wonderland (From the Co-Director of Finders Keepers)

If you aren’t already planning on seeing Finders Keepers with us this Saturday, clear your schedule. It sounds trite, but it’s safe (I think) to say that this really is unlike any story you’ve ever heard. Where other filmmakers might have gotten distracted by the premise (a pasted logline too good to paraphrase: “A man finds a dismembered foot in an auctioned meat smoker. Then things get strange”), Bryan Carberry and J. Clay Tweel manage to preserve the inherent humor while honoring the emotional weight of the buildup.

For a taste of co-director Bryan Carberry’s knack for humor, take a look at this music video he made for Scott Weiland’s rendition of “Winter Wonderland.” Weiland is perhaps best known as the frontman of the Stone Temple Pilots, but this video suggests an alternate universe in which he is a character actor in David Lynch films. Carberry embraces Lynch’s love of ’50s nostalgia, but there are no dancing dwarves or talking rabbits to amplify the oddness of the music video. Instead, Carberry moves Weiland through a series of winter scenes that should read Norman Rockwell, but aren’t entirely explicable. You can enjoy a wintry moment with Carberry and Weiland below:

Liked it? Watch a teaser for Finders Keepers below:

Meet Bryan Carberry and his co-director J. Clay Tweel after Finders Keepers screens this Saturday (8/15) on the roof of Industry City!

**Keep an eye out for more posts from Short Cuts, where we’ll be spotlighting short films from Rooftop Films Summer Series filmmakers.**

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