[8 mins. 45 secs.] On April 20, 2010, communities throughout the Gulf Coast of the United States were devastated by the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, a state-of-the-art, offshore oil rig operated by BP in the Gulf of Mexico. The blast killed 11 of 126 rig crewmembers and injured many more, setting off a fireball that was seen 35 miles away. After burning for two days, the Deepwater Horizon sank, causing the largest offshore oil spill in American history. The spill flowed unabated for almost three months, dumping hundreds of millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic ocean, shutting down the local fishing industry, polluting the fragile ecosystem, and raising serious questions about the safety of continued deep-water offshore drilling. This disaster is the subject of Alabama native Margaret Brown’s new documentary, The Great Invisible. The film opens in NYC Wednesday, October 29th at the Angelika Theater. You can also seek further engagement with the film here.
[33 mins. 10 secs.] NYC documentary filmmaker Jeremy Workman (One Track Mind) is back with a new documentary feature called Magical Universe which is about his long time friendship with Maine artist and eccentric Al Carbee. Jeremy is joined in this interview by his Dad, documentary filmmaker Chuck Workman (Superstar, The Source). Chuck’s new film, Magician (about Orson Welles) is coming out later this year. In the meantime, Magical Universe will have a theatrical engagement at the IFC Center in NYC beginning Friday, October 31st. It will also screen at the Arena Cinema starting November 7th in L.A.
[1 hr. 6 mins. 30 secs.] Last up is the Algerian-born French businessman Jean-Yves Ollivier known for his commodities trading but ended up brokering the release of Nelson Mandela and, effectively, the end of apartheid. Directed by Carlos Agulló, the film Plot for Peace presents the whole story told through firsthand accounts by those involved including apartheid’s longest-serving minister of Foreign Affairs “Pik” Botha, South Africa’s icon of resistance Winnie Mandela, Fidel Castro’s “African hand” Jorge Risquet as well as one-time US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Chester Crocker, the father of “constructive engagement”. All bear vivid testimony in this riveting film which opens theatrically in NYC on Friday, October 31st at Village East Cinema in NYC. Visit the website for details in other cities.
I’m also on the phone with filmmaker Jaclyn Gramigna who just launched a most successful crowd sourced fundraiser on Seed & Spark for her short film Sleeping With Earings On. Consider contributing to the project or just checking it out. We’ll update you soon with Jaclyn’s progress.
Filmwax Radio is presented by Rooftop Films. Like us on Facebook.