Rooftop Films Blog

Best Summer Ever

Maybe it’s the fact that I have seen so many remarkable independent films for free, that I am now on a first name-basis with Brie Larson (btw, please follow me back on Instagram Brie), or the fact that my parents still think I made up this internship as an excuse to go to the city and hang out with friends…but this has just about been the best summer ever.

The other night a friend said to me: “You have the coolest job.” I couldn’t argue with her. Rooftop has given me incredible experiences, taught me so many useful skills, taken me to so many amazing places, and introduced me to so many inspiring, talented people. Because of Rooftop, I feel more confident about eventually making that leap from college to the real world; I’ve finally mastered the subway, and know so many obscure movie titles from the past year to impress people with at dinner parties (and isn’t that what life is all about?)

I came to Rooftop unsure of what my path would be after college, and nervous about declaring myself a Film Major the following year. At one of the first shows I worked, a very wise assistant show manager jokingly referred to her decision to study film the moment in which she “threw her life away!” Though, three months and a million shows later, I find myself happy to “throw my life away” with these incredible people. As long as it still means FREE Two Boots pizza, am I right?

As the 2013 summer series comes to a close, I am sad to leave Rooftop behind but am reminded of a terrible cliché a friend from high school said to me at graduation: “It’s not a goodbye; it’s a see you later!” Weirdly, I never did see her again.

I am eternally grateful to everyone I worked with during my time here. I am so excited to continue studying film in school, put all my social media skills to use as a media intern for the new documentary Pier Kids: The Life, and cannot wait to catch up with everyone at the 2014 Summer Series!

Thanks for everything, Rooftop and I will most definitely “see you later!” And I really do mean that!

All the best,


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