Rooftop Films Blog


Over the past few years, New York City has seen a boom in film production, supported by the Mayor’s office. We at Rooftop Films would like to see this trend continue under the new Mayor, and are working with the Coalition to Keep Film & TV Jobs in NYC to support film in New York. If you want to see the industry continue to thrive in the city, join the coalition by signing this letter (or drafting your own) and sending it to Eric Koch at eric dot koch at gmail dot com.


To: [mayoral candidate]

The Coalition to Keep Film & TV Jobs in NYC is writing to you, a candidate for Mayor of New York City, to urge you to support film and TV production and to outline a plan that not only protects the jobs this industry has generated over the past 12 years but also sustains the dedication and hard work of your predecessors to bring more jobs to New Yorkers.

The film and TV industry, which employs 130,000 New Yorkers and supports thousands of small businesses across the five boroughs, has been a tremendous boon to the City in uncertain economic times. It has provided thousands of good jobs for New Yorkers and a boost for the local small businesses who support these productions, from the pizza places to the coffee shops and tailors. The future is bright for production in New York City. The staggering facts speak for themselves:

·         The film, TV, media and entertainment industries in New York City  generate $7.1 billion in local economic activity—a $2 billion increase since 2002 and overall the media industry generates $80 billion in revenue for New York City.

·         Despite a nationwide decrease in entertainment jobs, New York City has seen a 30,000 job increase since 2004.

·         The 2012-13 season holds the record for most primetime episodic series – 25- based in New York City.

·         14 pilots shot in New York City in 2013 and even more are expected in 2014.

That is why, as a candidate for Mayor of New York City, it is vital that you preserve the job-creating policies of the past 12 years. We believe that the Mayor of New York City must:

·         Continue to pursue initiatives that make New York a competitive and attractive location for film and TV production.

·         Allow city government, as they have for the last 12 years,  to be an effective partner of the film and TV industry by making the permit process easy and efficient and making an array of incentives widely available and easy to navigate.

·         Develop and support advancements in infrastructure and technology that will ensure New York’s competitiveness in a global market.

·         Work alongside small businesses who support and benefit from film and TV production.

·         Appoint a Commissioner who understands the industry and will serve as a respected and forceful advocate for New York City’s economy.

It is not hard to see that film and TV production in New York City is experiencing a renaissance. 12 years ago, production was deserting New York, taking with it valuable jobs and economic opportunities. In the past 12 years, we’ve seen those jobs and opportunities return, bringing with them a tremendous positive economic impact. Simply put, New York can’t afford to go back to old, job-killing policies of the past.

We look forward to working with you to ensure New York City continues to attract the thousands of good-paying, middle class jobs we’ve added over the last 12 years and remains a leader in an industry which has brought billions in economic activity to New York.


[your name / affiliation]

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