Rooftop Films Blog

Calling all Volunteers!

As we delve deeper into our summer series, we’d like to sound the alarm and ask all you devoted moviegoers for a hand. We’re a small non-profit that manages to put on a plethora of shows for your enjoyment, but we can’t do it without the aid of our beloved volunteers. Because we put on events on rooftops all over the city, we have to set up and break down an entire movie theater – no small task! – and that’s where extra pairs of hands are crucial.

We depend on kind souls from all over the city to help us put out chairs, set up tents, run check-in lines, help guests find their way, answer questions, run merchandise tables, and ensure that our shows generally go as smoothly as possible. It’s a little bit of manual labor, but it’s well worth it! Some of the perks include free entry to the show, free pizza from Two Boots, admittance to after parties with free Red Stripe beer, and the company of our staff members and your fellow volunteers (we’re a rad bunch.)

So on that note, we urge you to sign up to volunteer HERE and help support us at Rooftop as we engage diverse communities by showing independent movies in some of the coolest outdoor locations this city has to offer. You’ll be glad you did.

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