Rooftop Films Blog

That’s Love There: Highlights from Sundance


My name is Shaka King and my film Newlyweeds premiered at Sundance Friday, January 18th.

Reflecting on this week, it feels like the culmination of a month long sprint to finish the movie. But is it the end? Or the beginning of something new? For better or worse I guess it always is.

My cast has left Park City. I spent an incredible five days with them and 30+ members of my family and friends, including my dad who hadn’t gotten on a plane in over 30 years. That’s love there.

Utah is simultaneously sunny and warm and scathingly cold. Like an Arctic version of the Bay Area. I’d like to come back in the summer and check out the Mountains in their full greenery.

I’m acting corny. I haven’t seen nearly enough movies here.

The other night I met a former Boston cop who was fired for letting criminals go and burning down a Dunkin Donuts. It felt like a scene out of a Richard Linklater movie in that cab.

There’s no greater feeling as an artist than screening your film for an audience and observing them connect with the world you and your collaborators brought to life. That’s love there.

Till next time.


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