Rooftop Films has been on top of the New Design High School since 2007 and without your support we may not be able to use it much longer.
The Open Road Rooftop has become a second home to us. With spectacular views and as our biggest venue, this rooftop has been good to us and the people of New York City. We have thousands of people come to the rooftop each summer to experience live indie bands that you can hear blocks away, great new independent films from around the world, and an after-party in the neighborhood. Now for those who have never had the pleasure of attending a screening on this rooftop in the Lower East Side, we certainly don’t want you to miss out in the future. Support us on Kickstarter so we can keep this venue.
An experience at Open Road.
After checking in, you will climb five flights of stairs, no elevators. That doesn’t sound very exciting but once you reach the top and catch your breath you are greeted with breathtaking views of Lower Manhattan, amazing graffiti murals produced by students from New Design High School in collaboration with legendary street artists, a working skate park, and hundreds of fellow audience members just as excited as you are to be on one of the greatest rooftops in the city.
But, unfortunately it has become considerably more expensive to put on screenings at this venue. Without your support, we might have to discontinue our events in this amazing location.
It takes a lot of effort to put on a show at Open Road but to to see the faces of everyone who enjoys watching a movie on a rooftop makes it all worth while. It’s why we do what we do.
There is no cooler place to watch a movie in all of New York City. Donate on Kickstarter and help us keep Open Road Rooftop as one of our great venues in 2013.