In 2010, Indian-American filmmaker Vikram Gandhi went to Phoenix and invented a spiritual workshop from scratch. Amazingly enough, people believed him. Gandhi talks with Rooftop Films about his experience filming Kumaré.
You can catch the sneak preview of the film on Saturday, May 26 at Open Road Rooftop. Gandhi will be around for a Q&A after the screening to answer your questions.
Rooftop Films: What inspired you to direct this film and assume the persona of “Kumaré”?
Vikram Gandhi: Kumaré was inspired by all the real ‘fake’ gurus I had met. I felt driven to make this film because I saw something backwards in the world around me, and I wanted to find a way to expose it.
RF:What was the biggest obstacle you faced while filming Kumaré?
VG: The biggest obstacle we face was figuring out to make a film that is funny and thought provoking but at the same time, not mean-spirited. We had to erase a lot of ideas we had about this style of film-making, and focus on the message of the film.
RF: What are your future plans for the film?
VG: We are releasing theatrically on June 20th, starting at the IFC Center in NYC, and then rolling out to more cities. Kino Lorber is distributing.
RF: What are some of your up-and-coming projects?
I’m developing both a narrative and a documentary, but hard to say which will start shooting first.
VG: What life lesson would Kumaré, should he be a real guru, offer audiences at Rooftop Films?
I’m not sure what you mean by “should he be a real guru.” – He is real if you decide that he is.