Rooftop Films Blog


Rooftop’s core artistic staff (Mark Elijah Rosenberg, Dan Nuxoll and Genevieve DeLaurier) will be out in Park City this week, supporting our alumnae filmmakers (see below), scouting for new work, hanging out with filmmakers, festival programmers, funders and friends, and doing what we love best–watching great films. If you’re going to be out there, drop us a line to say hi. Together, we’ll get a low-alcohol beer, catch at 8:30am screening, or meet up on a line somewhere (tickets, party entrance, ski lift…)

If you’re not going to be in Utah, we’ll be posting reports to this blog all week long. Our aim is to report on the types of films we show: personal cinema, low-budget movies, maverick and truly independent work, films that show us “where you live and how you live” for people and communities world wide. We’ll give you reviews and critiques, but also try to give you behind-the-scenes info we’ll get from question and answer sessions and our own talks with filmmakers–the stuff you could only get at the festival. So come along to Park City with Rooftop, literally or bloggerly.

(P.S. Personally, I’m serious about the ski lift line: I always take a day for snowboarding, so email me or comment here if you want to ride.)
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