Fledgling Fund

Rooftop Presents Free “To Be Heard” Screenings, Youth Writing Workshops, Poetry Slams

Rooftop Presents Free “To Be Heard” Screenings, Youth Writing Workshops, Poetry Slams

Rooftop Films brings the power of poetry to the streets of New York with three free events based around this award winning documentary about lives and language on the edge. Screenings in East Harlem, Chelsea and the South Bronx will be a celebration of the power of writing, with a poetry workshop for teenagers, a performance slam, and a screening of the award-winning documentary To Be Heard.

SUNDANCE REVIEW: GASLAND <br class=lazy />Lighting Tap Water on Fire

Lighting Tap Water on Fire

Gasland opens on September 15th at the IFC Center in New York City. Learn more about Gasland screenings in your area. When a natural gas mining company offered Josh Fox and his upstate New York neighbors $100,000 each for the right to drill for gas on their land, Fox thought he’d better examine what was […]
